Concours d'iris de Florence 2009

International Iris competition in Florence 2009

iris 'Ravissant'
iris 'Noctambule'

1st Premio Firenze (Gold Florin) of the Tourist Organisation: RAVISSANT (R. Cayeux, France)

2nd Tuscany Region Prize: NOCTAMBULE (R. Cayeux, France)

3rd Silver Plate of the Industrial Organisation: FORTUNATE SON (Schreiner’s Garden, USA)

4th Italian Iris Society Silver Medal 'Piero Bargellini': SECRET RITES (K. Keppel, USA)

5th Honourable Mention: COMING STORM (Schreiner’s Garden, USA)

6th Honourable Mention: MARBELLA (G. Sutton, USA)

7th Honourable Mention: ROMANCE (R. Cayeux, France)

8th Honourable Mention: NOTTE DI LUGO (M. Bertuzzi, Italy)

9th Honourable Mention: OBERMAN (S. Loktev, Russia)

10th Honourable Mention: BATTILORO (A. Affortunati, Italy)


Comune di Firenze Silver Plate for the Best Red Variety: FORTUNATE SON (Schreiner’s Garden, USA)

Chamber of Commerce Prize for the Best Commercial Variety: NOCTAMBULE (R. Cayeux, Francia)

Amici dei Fiori Cup for the Best Italian Variety: NOTTE DI LUGO (M. Bertuzzi, Italy)

Louise Branch Prize for the Best Branched Variety: TIMIOS (G. Grosvenor, Australia)

Florence Garden Club Cup for the Most Original Colour: JAZZ BAND (K. Keppel, USA)

Perugia Garden Club Cup for the Best Scented Variety: CERTOSINO (A. Bianco, Italy)

Rora and Luciano Bausi Prize for the Best Blue Variety: BLUE VIEW (G. Grosvenor, Australia)

Leila and Paolo Tarini Prize for the Best Violet Variety: seedling n. 04-326A (M. Roberts, USA)

Giorgio Saviane Prize for the Best Early Variety: DREAMING IN CREAM (G. Grosvenor, Australia)

Antonio Del Campana Prize for the Best Late Variety 2008: UNDERCURRENT (K. Keppel, USA)

Società Toscana di Orticultura Prize for the Best Border Bearded Variety: CI SEI (A. Bianco, Italy)

Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses (S.F.I.B.)