1st Premio Firenze (Gold Florin) of the Tourist Organisation : RECONDITA ARMONIA (Mauro Bertuzzi, Italy)
2nd Tuscany Region Prize: HIGH CLASS (Paul Black, U.S.A.)
3rd Silver Plate of the Industrial Organisation: MYTHOLOGY (Tom Johnson, U.S.A.)
4th Italian Iris Society Silver Medal 'Piero Bargellini' : VIOLA DI NUOVO (Stefano Gigli, Italy)
5th Honourable Mention: ALPENVIEW (Keith Keppel, U.S.A.)
6th Honourable Mention: seedling "DL-4-2ks" (Anton Mego, Slovacchia)
7th Honourable Mention: OPPOSING FORCES (Keith. Keppel, U.S.A )
8th Honourable Mention: JUNE BRAZIER (Graeme Grosvenor, Australia)
9th Honourable Mention: PAGAN'S MAIDEN (Anne & David Cadd, U.S.A.)
10th Honourable Mention: ADLEMI (Graeme Grosvenor, Australia)
Comune di Firenze Silver Plate for the Best Red Variety: BAGNOLO (Antonella Affortunati, Italy)
Chamber of Commerce Prize for the Best Commercial Variety: OPPOSING FORCES (Keith Keppel, U.S.A.)
Amici dei Fiori Cup for the Best Italian Variety: RECONDITA ARMONIA (Mauro Bertuzzi, Italy)
Louise Branch Prize for the Best Branched Variety: seediing "DL-4-2ks" (Anton Mego, Slovacchia)
Florence Garden Club Cup for the Most Original Colour: TRADE SECRET (Keith. Keppel, U.S.A.)
Perugia Garden Club Cup for the Best Scented Variety: PAGAN'S MAIDEN (Anne & David Cadd, U.S.A.)
Rora and Luciano Bausi Prize for thé Best Deep Blue Variety: FIORE DI MAGGIO (Mauro Bertuzzi, Italy)
Paolo Tarini Prize for the Best Violet Variety: VIOLA DI NUOVO (Stefano Gigli, Italy)
Giorgio Saviane Prize for the Best Early Variety: CALL WAITING (H. L. Stahly, U.S.A.)