The SFIB (Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses) organizes FRANCIRIS®2005, an international competition of big Iris, together with the technical support of Tecomah, one professional training establishment of the CCIP (Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris).
Since 3 years, the trainees in horticulture fit out and maintain the competition garden within a global area of 120 ha along the Bièvre River.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, France enjoyed world fame with Iris obtainers such as Vilmorin and Cayeux. Until the Second World War, the highest distinction for an Iris, -the medal of Dykes-, was awarded in France. Today, this medal is still awarded every year in the USA, in England and Australia.
FRANCIRIS®2005 restores this old French tradition through the organisation of an exhibition together with an international competition of Iris. 119 varieties among the most recent world creations are presented by 7 competitive countries: Germany, England, Australia, United States of America, France, Italy, Czech Republic.
An international panel will select from May 23rd to 27th the award-winners of the competition with the proclamation of the results on May 27th. The first award will wear the name of Philippe de Vilmorin, a specialist and great lover of Iris, who lived for a long time in the valley of Bièvre, at Verrières le Buisson.
He was indeed the initiator of the first international Iris conference organized in France in 1922.
From May 9th to 27th, several events are being organized simultaneously with the competition:
All attendants will have the opportunity to visit the Parisian surroundings of the Bièvre valley via selected tours as well as to enjoy arts and historical exhibitions at the Grand Château de Jouy and the Ratel Centre of Bièvres.
Several sponsors are supporting this international competition : the SIAVB (Syndicat Intercommunal pour l'Assainissement de la Vallée de la Bièvre), the castle of Auvers sur Oise, the Domain of Courson, the Domain of St-Jean de Beauregard, the Claude Monet Foundation at Giverny, the most renowned French Iris producers,...
(Translation under work!)
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