Lomonosov Moscow State University
Biological faculty
Botanical garden (Russia)
Botanical garden of the Komarov Botanical institute (Russia)
Russian Iris Society
Botanical garden of Taurida National
Vernadsky University (Ukraine)
The first information letter
Dear colleagues!
It is our pleasure to invite you to take part in the II Moscow International Iris Symposium “Iris-2011” which will take place in the Botanical garden of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) in 14th-17th June 2011.
Wide range of topics concerning representatives of genus Iris L. are planned to be discussed at the following sections:
1. Taxonomy, conservation and investigation of genus Iris L. representatives
2. Introduction and acclimatization of different groups of irises
3. Educational and enlightening activities based on collections of genus Iris L.
The program of the Symposium will consist of plenary and sectional sessions as well as poster presentations. The languages of the Symposium are Russian and English.
To take part in the Symposium please send your application form by Feb.15, 2011 (by e-mail
iris2011-msu@yandex.ru). Abstract submission deadline is Apr.1, 2011. Please do not submit more than two presentations from one person (the second presentation should be in co-authorship).
Requirements for abstracts:
1.Total size of abstract, including title, name of author(s), text and references should not exceed 10 000 symbols including spaces. The name of the author, who is going to give the presentation should be underlined. The short summary should not exceed 150 words.
2. For the text of abstract use Times New Roman, 12 pt. type and 1,5 intervals between lines. Please, do not use italicizing, underlines, hyphens, tabulations etc., use left margin leveling. The language is Russian or English.
3. Bibliography should be prepared according to the following example:
Mavrodiev E.V., Alekseev Y.E. Morphologo-biological features of Cryptobasis (Iridaceae) and its systematics // Bot. j., 2003. V. 88. № 10. P. 50-55.
Rodionenko G.I. Genus Iris. M.-L.: publ. house AS USSR, 1961. 215 p.
Please send application forms and abstracts by e-mail
as attached files, typed in Microsoft Word and saved in RTF or Word 97-2003. The name of the attached file should contain the name of the author, who is going to give the presentation.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee.
Registration fee is supposed to be 500 Russian rubles plus approximately 1000 rubles fee for each of your abstracts (paid onsite at the beginning of the Symposium).
We appreciate you sharing this information with interested colleagues!
Application form
First name
Second name
Name of report
Address of the organizing committee:
Botanical Garden Lomonosov Moscow State University
Leninskie Gory 1/12, Moscow,
119991, Russian Federation,
тел./tel.: +7 (495) 939-48-06