Rules - FRANCIRIS® 2013
FRANCIRIS® 2013 international iris competition rules
- The French Iris and Bulbous Plant Society (S.F.I.B.) is organizing in technical partnership with TECOMAH, the School of Environment and Life Enhancement (Technical and commercial school of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris), an international Tall Bearded Iris competition in France to take place in May of 2013 in Jouy-en-Josas entitled: FRANCIRIS® 2013.
- A follow-up committee with an equal number of members from both TECOMAH and S.F.I.B. has been created which will meet at least twice a year, in May and October.
- Any and all correspondence should be addressed to the competition assistant at the following address:
Sylvain Ruaud FRANCIRIS 2013
13 les Caves Simonneau
37420 Beaumont-en-Veron
- The irises admitted in competition should be sent to TECOMAH in May 2010 for the southern hemisphere and in October 2010 for the northern hemisphere.
- Admission to the competition occurs after the hybridizer declares his/her intention to compete to Sylvain Ruaud by email or mail with his/her full address (postal address, telephone and email-address) and the name of the varieties for the competition with a short description for each. No competitor may send more than six varieties.
- By return mail each competitor will receive the inscription form with a S.F.I.B code. This code is issued for each iris in competition in place of its actual name, seedling number, and descriptions for the cultivars entering the competition.
- The participating varieties must not have been registered or introduced more than 10 years before the date of entry in competition.
The varieties having not yet obtained their names at the inscription dates must be mentioned to Sylvain Ruaud as soon as they will be registered at the AIS prior to FRANCIRIS® 2013.
The hybridizer sends his parcel to
TECOMAH Exploitation horticole
Chemin de l’Orme-Rond
BP 56
78356 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex
- the dated and signed inscription form
- For each variety the competitor must include a sealed envelope marked with the code attributed by the S.F.I.B., without any other indication, so as to guarantee anonymity. Inside the envelope, there must be a copy of the descriptive notice of the variety.
- Two (2) rhizomes of each variety labelled with the S.F.I.B. code
- The phytosanitary certificate for non-EU hybridizers
Since TECOMAH school is closed in July and August, the hybridisers from the northern hemisphere must not send their parcels before September 1st, 2010.
- All rhizomes are sent at the expense of the competitor. The S.F.I.B. and TECOMAH cannot be held responsible in case of problems arising either with transportation or customs.
- Two (2) rhizomes of each variety should be sent. Each plant will be cultivated at TECOMAH and must remain in cultivation for three years in order to allow the follow-up committee to observe it for three consecutive bloom seasons. Any plant will be removed from the exhibition garden before the end of the competition. TECOMAH cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to the rhizomes during the two years preceding competition judgement, including the month of September 2013.
- If an iris has not been cultivated for two consecutive bloom seasons, it will be excluded from FRANCIRIS® 2013 awards, but may be eligible for special awards offered by the S.F.I.B., if such awards will be organized.
- In case of accidental loss, the hybridizer will be informed by the S.F.I.B. However, if only one rhizome is left in cultivation for any given variety, it will remain in competition.
- Any plant entered in competition must be the creation of the competitor himself/herself and not the property of another hybridizer, except with written permission.
- The competing irises will stay in place in the exhibition garden for 4 years until September 2015. They will then be acquired by the S.F.I.B.
- All competing irises will be assessed by an international jury and other specialized juries in May 2013. Specific prizes will be awarded by an international jury composed by 5 judges. Other awards will be given by specialised juries. A public voting for favourite irises will also be organised.
Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses (S.F.I.B.)