Enregistrements Gabriel LECOMTE
Accueil __ Obtenteurs fr. __Liste iris fr. __Enregistrements 2024__ Ressources __
Âmes Sauvages | SPEC-X | Wild Petticoats (SPEC-X) (Blue Petticoats (TB) x Ostry White (SPEC (aphylla))) X GL1625 (Alpha Gnu (SPEC-X) (Batik (BB x stry White (SPEC (aphylla))) x Grapetizer (TB)) |
Buffalo Blood | BB | Blonde Emotion X Wild |
'Ban Druih Ghraidh' | BB | Northern Jewel X Élégant |
'Black Baco Line' | BB | Alberta Clipper X Wild Jasmin |
'Curieux Coujoux' | BB | GL1320 (Beta Gnu x Stanza) X Grapetizer |
'Scottish Idylle' | TB | Archambault De Comborn X High Master |
'Barbazouzou' | TB | Sordid Lives X Sneezy |
'Blonde Emotion' | IB | Pushing The Envelope X Touch Of Tuscany |
'Master of Puppets' | TB | Baby Long X Sdlg Jean-Claude Jacob 11/190-4 (Italian Master x Wild Jasmine) |
'Nothing Else Matters' | SPEC-X SIBSATA | Lecomte tet siberian seedling X Lecomte JI early seedling |
'Abi Tout Doux' | BB | Stanza x Gnu Rayz |
'Archambault de Comborn' | IB | Stanza x Gnu Rayz |
'Acadian Samouraï' | SPEC-X |
setosa tet. X ensata tet. |
'Always Algonquin' | SPEC-X |
Tetraploïde Setosa |
'Aaron's Blue' | SPEC |
Parents inconnus |
Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses (S.F.I.B.)