Forum Iris & Bulbes
robypellegrini : Toscana, Italie (Z8)
Sam 09 Mar 2013, 18:56
Iris ensata var. spontanea
I grow 3 specimen of
Iris ensata var.
spontanea: 1 derived from Japanese seeds and 2 from Korean ones (but one of this has not flowered yet).
Iris ensata var.
spontanea (from Japan)
Iris ensata var.
spontanea (from Korea 1)
I bought these plants from an English nursery with locality data. They have smalll differences in color shades (one is bluest, the other is reddish). The signal have some differences, also. But it is very difficult to distinguish them without label...:D
I love these wild forms for their elegant simplicity. In addition, I suggest to their places of origin.
(If the size of the photos are too large I can reduce)
Sam 09 Mar 2013, 21:28
Merci beaucoup pour tes photos Robby
Sam 18 Mai 2013, 15:37
Trés bonne germination de la forme Coréenne Robby
robypellegrini : Toscana, Italie (Z8)
Sam 25 Mai 2013, 17:13
Très bien!
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Société Française des Iris et plantes Bulbeuses (S.F.I.B.)
BP 16, 78354 Jouy-en-Josas cedex, France.