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Résultats Florence 2011

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Message Loïc : Pays-Bas zone 7 Visiter le site web de l'utilisateur : Dim 15 Mai 2011, 8:24

Résultats Florence 2011



1st Premio Firenze (Gold Florin) of the Tourist Organisation: SILK ROAD (Keith Keppel - USA)

2nd Tuscany Region Prize: EGEO (Tiziano Dotto . Italy)

3rd Silver Plate of the Industrial Organisation: CLOUDSCAPE (Paul Black - USA)

4th Italian Iris Society Silver Medal ‘Piero Bargellini’: SPOT ON (Michael Sutton - USA)

5th Honourable Mention: BATTLESTAR ATLANTIS (Terry Aitken - USA)
6th Honourable Mention: RAVEN GIRL (Schreiner’s Garden - USA)
7th Honourable Mention: ATLANTIC SKY (Gary Middleton - United Kingdom)
8th Honourable Mention: CORAL SPLENDOR (Paul Black - USA)
9th Honourable Mention: FLASH OF LIGHT (Thomas Johnson - USA)
10th Honourable Mention: SERTSE OKEANU (Igor Khorosh - Ukraina)

Special Prizes
Comune di Firenze Silver Plate for the Best Red Variety: TRAFFIC LIGHT (Luigi Mostosi - Italy)
Chamber of Commerce Prize for the Best Commercial Variety: CORAL SPLENDOR (Paul Black - USA)
Amici dei Fiori Prize for the Best Italian Variety: EGEO (Tiziano Dotto - Italy)
Louise Branch Prize for the Best Branched Variety: MONTEFIORE (Leonardo Urbinati - Italy)
Florence Garden Club Cup for the Most Original Colour: NEW FACE (Paul Black - USA)
Perugia Garden Club Cup for the Best Scented Variety: NEW FACE (Paul Black - USA)
Rora and Luciano Bausi Prize for the Best Blue Variety: ADRIATIC WAVES (Keith Keppel - USA)
Leila and Paolo Tarini Prize for the Best Violet Variety: TENEBROSO (Augusto Bianco- Italy)
Giorgio Saviane Prize for the Best Early Variety: PEGGY ANNE (George Sutton - USA)
Antonio Del Campana Prize for the Best Late Variety: SILK ROAD (Keith Keppel - USA)
Laura Tancredi Prize for the Best Pink Variety: FOR LOVERS ONLY (Paul Black - USA)
Società Toscana di Orticultura Prize for the Best Border Bearded Variety: SAHARIANA (Augusto Bianco - Italy)

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