sylvain a écrit:
Je ne sais plus qui, ni où, a recherché ces temsp derniers une photo de 'Zampa'. J'en ai trouvé une ! Si le demandeur se fait connaître je posterai cette photo;
Question posée par Terry Johnson de Nouvelle Zélande
Hope your iris season is going well!
Do you know of anyone who has a picture of 'ZAMPA" Cayeux.(1924)
The reason I am interested in this iris is the Iris was reported in the BIS yearbook 1938 'Visit to Wisley 10th June 1938' G L Pilkington
"Of the so called blues STRATOSPHERE (Donahue) stood out very strikingly and was covered in bloom. This plant has already received an AM. BLUE JUNE from the same raiser was also noticeably good. I noticed also ZAMPA (Cayeux.) and TASMAN (Burgess). these are very alike though Tasman has a slightly darker fall."
Perhaps you can see the reason why a picture if at all possible would be available as TASMAN which I consider to be the first Iris that Jean Stevens introduced it would be good to find this Iris in fact it is essential. Do hope you may be able to help
Regards Terry Johnson