Auteur Message
MessagePosté le: Mer 13 Juin 2012, 8:13    Sujet du message:

Merci encore!
As Catherine says, I am a member of HIPS, and several of the photgraphs of Bliss irises on their site are mine. As far as I can tell, Cayeux no longer sell any Bliss irises. (If they did, it would be Susan Bliss, Bruno, Tom Tit and/or Senlac. They are the ones which are mostly commercially available.) There are about 150 more!
MessagePosté le: Dim 10 Juin 2012, 11:45    Sujet du message:

Je ne sais pas et reverrai la question avec Monsiur Richard Cayeux après la période des hybridations et des ventes de l'année.
Jean-Luc Gestreau
MessagePosté le: Dim 10 Juin 2012, 11:15    Sujet du message:

CLUSIANA a écrit:
L'objectif de cette rubrique est de trouver en France les cultivars manquants pour la collection de John Arthur Bliss détenue par Anne Milner., J.A.B. ayant travaillé avec la famille Cayeux.

Est-ce que la maison Cayeux commercialisait les iris de Bliss à cette époque ?
MessagePosté le: Dim 10 Juin 2012, 10:02    Sujet du message:

Merci pour le lien qui malheureusement n'apporte rien de nouveau.
L'objectif de cette rubrique est de trouver en France les cultivars manquants pour la collection de John Arthur Bliss détenue par Anne Milner., J.A.B. ayant travaillé avec la famille Cayeux.
Anne est membre de la HIPS et la plupart des photos sont les siennes.
Ce qui est vraiment intéressant c'est de lire les descriptions et d'essayer de trouver des variétés non identifiées qui s'en rapprochent, à fins de recherche et de validation, pour compléter la collection.
Gerard Raffaelli
MessagePosté le: Dim 10 Juin 2012, 9:38    Sujet du message:

On trouve sur ce lien (Facebook via la HIPS) quelques interessantes photos d'iris historiques dont 'Cardinal' de Bliss :
MessagePosté le: Lun 28 Mai 2012, 22:01    Sujet du message:

Lesquels d'entre vous ont consulté les descriptions des iris que l'on recherche ? Comme il est toujours difficile de reconnaitre un iris, prenez des photos et n'hésitez pas à poster les trouvailles qui à votre avis correspondent aux descriptions.
Un grand merci pour tous vos efforts dont j'espère avoir des résultats concrets ici.
MessagePosté le: Mar 10 Avr 2012, 9:19    Sujet du message:

Thank you all for your help so far. As flowering time approaches, could i ask please that you look out for some/one/any of the missing Bliss cultivars? Clusiana and Pascal have very kindly put a lot of information on this thread for me, including the PDF with descriptions and photos. It would be really wonderful if another one turned up! With any possiblity, please let me know with a photo and description, so I can try to check it out. You can either post on this forum or send me an email direct at anne.milner(at)
Thank you. Anne
MessagePosté le: Lun 09 Avr 2012, 23:18    Sujet du message:

Les iris fleurissent. Ici en Sud Gironde, c'est le cas.
Je demande à tous ceux qui partagent la passion des iris anciens de bien relire les descriptions des iris de John Arthur Bliss, de faire un tirage si cela est possible du document PDF et de me signaler tout iris qui vous semble correspondre à une de ces descriptions.
Merci à tous.
MessagePosté le: Ven 27 Jan 2012, 15:17    Sujet du message:

Oui Loïc
Ceci est l'excellent travail de recherche conduit par Bliss et ce n'est par contre qu'une recherche collégiale qui aboutira à la reconstitution de la collection JAS dont Bliss est le conservateur.
Je tiens ici à préciser quitte à me répéter que la recherche d'iris historiques est un véritable défi et que ces derniers ne se trouvent à profusion nulle part. Donc restez vigilants et signalez tout iris vous rappelant un iris de cette liste.
MessagePosté le: Jeu 26 Jan 2012, 12:27    Sujet du message:

Super Boulot.

MessagePosté le: Jeu 26 Jan 2012, 11:21    Sujet du message:

Merci Pascal pour la mise en ligne de ce doc.pdf.

Les descriptions qui suivent sont un complément de l'avis de recherche des iris de John Arthur Bliss. Je vous demande de les lire attentivement et de me signaler tout iris semblant correspondre à une de ces descriptions. Merci à tous.

Buccaneer: Bliss 1920

Large flower of fine form. Broad nearly circular segments. Standards bluish lavender to pale wisteria blue. Falls velvety mulberry purple, paler at the edge. Defined open reticulations on haft of brown and purple. Branching spikes. Strong grower. 2'10" (AJB: 1920/1 1921/2)

Centurion: Bliss 1920

Habit of Abdera. Foliage 24". Flowering stem 36" straight 7-8 flowered, flowers large, well proportioned stiff, scent faint. Standards domed 2¾"x1¼", pale bluish violet with smoky brown veins at base. Falls drooping 2x2¼" rich velvety nigrosin-violet. Beard orange in upper half. Near Dominion but paler. Flowering from May 23rd 1927 for 3 weeks (RHS Trials Wisley)

Conchebar: Bliss 1921

Improved Alcazar. Flowers about the same size or larger, and of much finer form and better substance. Colouring is similar but with less yellow on hafts and style arms, much clearer and brighter. The falls having the rich velvety surface characteristic of the Dominion race. It has the same branching habit. 3' 6" (AJB: 1920/21)

Cretonne: Bliss 1919 (PBF)

Size fair, form short, open, rounded, flowering habit free, 24". Good substance, frail - firm texture, smooth surface, good fragrance. Standards chinese violet - matthews purple, edged with vinaceaos russet - old gold, tinged old gold at base, reticulated red brown, cupped, open, conic, tips adpressed, blade obovate, notched, waved 1¾x 2⅛". Falls velvety intense blackish purple, reticulated with same - more reddish brown, broadly tinged with old gold on lavender outer haft, bronzed at base. Flaring, slightly drooping, wedge shaped, convex, obovate 1⅛ x 1¾". Beard firm, very dense, projecting, conspicuous, orange; haft narrow, channeled, reticulations fine-broad, close. Style branches broad, overarching, brilliant old gold, keeled with red purple. Crest large fringed, purple brown. Pollen plentiful. Spathe valves green, scarious, tinged red. Growth moderate - vigorous, stiff. Leaves slender, deep glaucous green, tinged at base. 2-3 blooms at once, floriferous, Stalk short high branching, fastigate, 2 laterals, erect with 9 buds. ( Cornell University : #100)

Faith: Bliss 1921

Slow increase, compact glaucous green foliage 12-15". Flowering stems 22", erect, straight 5-6 flowers very close, well proportioned, stiff. Standards cupped 2¼ x 2⅛" lavender violet, Falls straight hanging, blades broadly spatulate 1¾" x 2" rich violet flowering for fortnight from 1 June 1927(RHS Trials, Wisley: 1928)

Very like Perfection (Bonnewitz 1924)

Purple bicolour, late flowering. Very distinct clear violet. Flowers medium size with circular drooping falls, velvety, deeper tone than standards, shading to lighter colour at margin. 2' (Wallace: 1921)

Moa: Bliss 1919

Vigorous and of rapid increase. Foliage glaucous green 26". Flowering stems 40" apt to twist and curl 5 flowered. Flowers closely set, well proportioned, large stiff. Standards domed 2¾x 2 ⅜", rosy lavender violet. Falls straight hanging 2x2⅛" rich nigrosin-violet, beard tinged orange. Flowering for 3 weeks from 23rd May 1927 (RHS Trials Wisley1928)

Pageant: Bliss 1920

Similar type to Red Admiral, but nearer in colouring to a squalens type. Standards light lavender violet tinged straw yellow. Falls raisin purple with heavy red brown reticulations. Large flowers of fine form with semi-spreading falls and similar colouring to Red Admiral, but rather nearer squalens type. Standards light vinaceous lavender lilac, Falls velvety raisin purple to dahlia purple in centre with heavy coalescing reticulations of red-brown. branching spikes, very free flowering 2' 8". (AJB: 1920/21)

Patrician: Bliss 1921

Grand iris of Dominion type. Very large well formed flowers somewhat similar to that variety. Standards very broad and smooth, light violet blue. Falls very broad and flat hanging, rich deep velvety purple with bold reticulations at haft and conspicuous orange beard. Not particularly free flowering, but reliable. (Orpington1921)

Pendragon: Bliss 1920

Vigorous and of rapid increase with erect glaucous green foliage 22” high. Flowering stems 30” erect, somewhat zigzag, branching above and below middle, 8 flowered. Flowers very close, large well proportioned, stiff. Standards domed 2¾”x 2 3/10” dull reddish violet with a smoky effect, yellowish at base. Falls somewhat drooping 2¼”x 2⅜” almost circular, rich velvety plum purple with paler margins; veins on haft distinct, brownish. Styles creamy white with lavender blue midribs. Crests dull bluish lavender. Beard white deeply tipped bright yellow. Flowering for 2 weeks from 4th June. This might well be placed in class VI b, but for garden effect it’s best here. (1930)

Red Admiral: Bliss 1920

Large flowers of fine form. Arching standards 2⅛" broad, light lobelia violet to pale lilac in centre. Falls smooth hanging 2 3/16" broad, rich velvety raisin purple to blackish red-purple. Medium branching spikes, free flowering and strong growing. 2' 10". Not so large as Cardinal, but reddest of Dominion race. (AJB: 1920/21+1921/22)

Sentinal: Bliss 1920

Large flowers of good form and substance. Standards ageratum violet to Argyle purple in centre and stained straw at base. Falls very rich velvety raisin purple to blackish purple in centre. Close reticulations of brown on yellowish on hafts, Scented. Red toned flower similar to Red Admiral but taller. branching spikes; strong grower, 3' 6". Sister seedling of Majestic with flowers the same size and form but redder colouring (AJB:1920/21)

Sintram: Bliss 1920

Very large flowers with hanging circular falls of very fine form, smooth and flat, 2 3/8" broad. Standards pleroma violet to manganese violet. Falls very rich velvety purple. (prune purple to blackish purple or darker). A rich dark flower but not so harmoniously coloured as Tenebrae. about 2' 10" (AJB 1920/21)

Syphax: Bliss 1917

Bicolour, Standards mauve, Falls velvety raisin purple, flushed ochre at haft, long stalk high branched, crowded, growth moderate to vigorous 30". Standards erect, Falls straight hanging, beard conspicuous, orange, styles a sides. Distinctive shape and colour contrast. (AIS bulletin #9)

Zulu: Bliss 1920

Of moderate vigour and medium increase, with erect glaucous green foliage, 24” high. Flowering stems 38”, erect, somewhat zigzag, branches short, above middle, 6 flowered. Flowers close, well proportioned, large, stiff. Standards domes 3”x2⅜”, lavender violet. Falls straight hanging, pinched 2⅜”x2”, deep rich violet blue with pale margins. Veins brownish on haft. Beard bluish white deeply tipped with orange. Flowering for 18 days from 4th June 1929. (RHS Trials Wisley 1930)
MessagePosté le: Jeu 06 Oct 2011, 0:58    Sujet du message:
MessagePosté le: Lun 19 Sep 2011, 23:15    Sujet du message:

Merci tous les monds! I really appreciate all your help in tracing Bliss irises.
MessagePosté le: Jeu 01 Sep 2011, 20:30    Sujet du message:

Oui je connais un collègue de chez Despalles avait son épouse responsable de collection .
Il y a bien longtemps , j'ai perdu le contact .....
@@@+++ Gabs
MessagePosté le: Jeu 01 Sep 2011, 18:46    Sujet du message:

Oui Gabs Gérard a eu une bonne idée mais la collection d'iris historiques qui était au jardin des plantes a déménagé à l'arboretum de Chèvreloup, près de Versailles, à Rocquencourt.

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